
ZENKOが今年に入ってから、DSA国際委員会の仲間とともに進めてきたZHAP(ZENKO辺野古反基地プロジェクト)では、2021 ZENKO in 大阪が終了してからすぐにメッセージビデオを作成しDSA国際委員会事務局へ送付していました。DSA大会期間中、国際委員会が主催する主なセッションが2回組まれていて、その内のいずれかで海外オブザーバーのビデオメッセージの配信が予定されていました。
ZHAPは、DSAのメンバーとの共同により、辺野古を止めろ!の声を直接バイデン政権に届け、その圧力によって、この無謀な計画を断念させる国際的賛同運動です。DSA国際委員会がその呼びかけ人に加わってくれました。Change.orgを使ったオンライン署名の拡大と同時に、地域街頭でも賛同署名を広げるキャンペーン日本側では開始しています。先週開催した2021 ZENKO in 大阪は、ZHAP分科会には10名近くのDSA国際委員会の同志の参加が実現し、ZENKOの仲間と直接辺野古を止めるための意見交換をすることができ、私たちは大きく励まされました。
Delegates to DSA Convention from across the US
Overseas observers from around the globe
Comrades in the International Committee and in its secretariat, honorable guests, and all the staff of this Convention
I am deeply grateful and honored to be allowed to address this historic DSA Convention held with the theme; ‘From the Ashes of the Old, Socialism for a New Tomorrow. On behalf of ZENKO, I extend to you our comradely greetings of solidarity from Japan.
ZENKO is a Japanese abbreviation of National Assembly for Peace & Democracy. It was founded 51 years ago in 1970, and we celebrated its 50th anniversary last year. Teamed up with MDS (Movement for Democratic Socialism), we are engaged in nationwide campaigns to oppose neoliberalist policies of global capitalism in a variety of fronts such as ant-base peace movement, labor rights, anti-nuclear power generation, the environment, education, childcare, workers’ cooperatives, etc. In the electoral campaigns, we have sent 6 members to local assemblies, so far.
We were invited to the last DSA Convention held in Atlanta, which I attended in the summer of 2019. Yes, our relationship started in that year through comrades of the International Committee. Two years on, this time, I have more to tell you than a mere piece of solidarity greeting message.
We, ZENKO, launched ZHAP (ZENKO Henoko Anti-base Project) at the beginning of this year. On a small island of Okinawa, which is located at the southernmost tip of the Japanese Archipelago, is an ongoing US Marine Corps base construction in Henoko. 24 years on since the project was first conceived, in spite of the overwhelming majority of Okinawans strongly opposing the base, the government still continues the reclamation work, throwing in earth and sand into the sea. Into the sea where miraculous pristine nature is preserved. The whole area surrounding the construction site is designated as a Hope Spot that harbors one of the top-levels of biodiversity in the world. We should stop it, and stop it right now, in any way possible. This is how we came to launch this ZHAP campaign.
A super-soft seabed like mayonnaise has been discovered in the planned site and two active fault lines have been found to run right beneath this area. In between the two fault lines is a powder magazine that is suspected to store nuclear warheads. In addition, the earth and sand to be dug for land reclamation will most likely contain the human remains from the Battle of Okinawa of 76 years ago, when over 120 thousand Okinawans were killed. The human remains include the bones of those fallen soldiers still missing in Okinawa, 228 US soldiers, included. This makes Okinawans angrier, for it is an act of desecration of war victims. The time of completion and the cost of construction have far exceeded those originally planned by a large margin and no one is sure of its completion. Both Japan and US governments stick to Henoko even though there is speculation to move the US Marine Corps to Guam following its realignment plan.
The Japanese government has been accelerating the military amalgamation with the US and advancing the fortification of the Southwest Islands. It is developing FOIP (Free & Open Indo-Pacific) strategy with a view of militarily intervening in the Middle East and Africa. Henoko sits at the center of this new strategy, where Japan and US intensify tensions, regarding China and DPRK as potential enemies. Therefore, to stop Henoko means to foil the grand design in the Far East for both Japan and US global capitalism. It will be a great step forward to establishing peace in the East Asian region. We have to stop Henoko by means of international solidarity of anti-war and anti-base movements.
ZHAP is an international campaign to expand endorsers to this project to STOP HENOKO and directly pressure the Biden administration to give up the preposterous plan. DSA International Committee has joined ZHAP campaign as a co-sponsor. In Japan, we have started collecting endorsers online through Change.org as well as in-person through street and community campaigns. In the ZENKO National Assembly we held last week, about ten comrades from the International Committee joined the discussion about this campaign in the sub-session on ZHAP. We were greatly encouraged by their participation and our sharing ideas with them..
All the comrades attending this Convention, I appeal to you to spread the word of ZHAP to stop Henoko in and out of your organization and raise the public consciousness about the overseas US military bases in Okinawa. Let me conclude this speech by reaffirming our commitment to advance the ZHAP campaign as part of the international solidarity work between Japan and US democratic socialists till our final victory!
Long live international solidarity,
Long live democratic socialism!
Thank you for listening.